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Washington State University
Ayuda Financiera Estudiantil Formas de ayuda financiera
Encuentre y envíe su Formas de ayuda financiera

A continuación, encontrará nuestros formularios disponibles para completar en el año académico actual. Si no encuentra el formulario que necesita, lo más probable es que encuentre el formulario en

Comuníquese con nosotros si necesita más ayuda para localizar, completar o enviar un formulario a nuestra oficina.


  • Estos formularios solo pueden ser completados por el estudiante usando su identificación de red (NID) y contraseña. Los ID de amigo para padres u otros terceros no pueden completar estos formularios.
  • Tenga en cuenta que dependiendo de su navegador y la velocidad de su servicio de Internet, el formulario puede tardar unos minutos en cargarse.
Academic Year Revision Request - This form may be submitted when a student has a specific type of additional or unexpected education-related cost that is not originally included in their cost of attendance. This includes computer costs, transportation, rent/mortgage, child care costs, etc. This form may also be submitted if a student's class standing has recently changed and they would like to receive additional funding.
Cancellation/Reinstatement of Financial Aid - Cancellation of Financial Aid is intended for students who no longer want to be considered for any financial aid and would like us to cancel all communication/remove his or her FAFSA. This form is also for students who want their aid cancelled because they are transferring to another school.
Reinstatement of Financial Aid is for students who would like to have their aid reinstated after canceling it out through this process or leaving the university.
Children of Fall Heroes Form - This form allows students to self-identify and document their eligibility with Student Financial Services since a single national data source of individuals who died in the line of duty while serving as a public service officer does not exist.
Consortium Agreement Form - Washington State University (WSU) students who plan to concurrently enroll at a Host School during a term may use this form to document course work and costs at the Host School. Under this agreement, WSU will act as the Home School and offer financial aid based on the total hours of enrollment at both schools.
Federal & State Grant Decline Form: If you withdrew from WSU for the term or have limited federal or state grant eligibility remaining, you can complete these forms to have our office cancel your grant for the term. This would then allow you to save a term of eligibility.
Federal Tax Information Form: This form may be submitted by you to authorize consent for Student Financial Services to disclose federal tax information (FTI) from your FAFSA application to the parties that you identify on the form.
Loan Action Request - The Loan Action Request Form is for loan changes you, the student, cannot perform/do yourself on myWSU such as: Reoffering (reinstate) a loan that was originally declined, accepting more loan money than you initially did, because now you need it, reducing (cancelling) a portion of a loan already delivered, or cancelling a loan for the full amount that already delivered to you.
Needs Analysis Submission Form - This form is to be completed to submit Financial Needs Analysis or other forms from your scholarship donor or Tribal Organization that must be completed by our office on your behalf. If you need Proof of Enrollment, you can download WSU's Enrollment Verification Form.
Notification of Estimated Financial Assistance – If you notified our office of any outside sources of funding that you will receive while attending WSU. Examples include scholarships (university, non-university, and state-funded scholarships), Third-party Guarantees, National Guard waivers, WSU Partial Veterans or Veterans Dependent waivers, LEOFF waivers, employer tuition assistance/reimbursement, private education loans, or Tribal Grants. Report estimated financial resources as soon as possible so that adjustments can be made in your award without delaying the disbursement process or requiring that you repay funds already released to you.
One-Time Computer Purchase - You may claim a one-time cost for a computer purchased during your WSU career (Undergraduate, Graduate, Professional). *2023 form is closed.
Parent PLUS Loan Decline – The Parent PLUS Loan Decline is used to cancel a Parent PLUS Loan. This is also used if a Parent's credit decision was denied, and the student would like the supplemental Unsubsidized loan offered.
Permission to Release Financial Aid Information to Third Party - Students must submit this form to allow Student Financial Services to provide their financial aid information to a private scholarship provider or a tribal agency. This specific written consent is required by the Department of Education.
Scholarship Designation Form – To help University Receivables designate the application of a specific scholarship for you to your student account. If you will be receiving a scholarship from a non-WSU or non-State of Washington donor, download this form and supply it to your donor as soon as you are aware of the award.
Special Circumstances Appeal – Special Circumstance Appeals can be submitted for students or parents that have a unique family situation where the financial information listed on their FAFSA or WASFA does not currently reflect their current financial situation. Any qualifying situation (with its corresponding documentation) can be considered once for adjustment. We will not adjust for the same situation more than once. For more information and situations that would qualify for a Special Circumstances Appeal click here. The 2023-2024 appeal is closed for Fall 2023 and Spring 2024. You may still submit an appeal if you are enrolled in Summer 2024.
Also, please be aware that depending on your browser and speed of your internet service, the form may take a few minutes to load.
Voiland College ProPEL Internship Program - This form may be submitted when a student is enrolled in the Voiland College ProPEL Internship Program and would like to utilize their financial aid while enrolled in ENGR 488.
WSU Record Change Form - This form is to be completed when the WSU student record information is incorrect and does not match what is on the FAFSA or WASFA. For example, SSN, ITIN, Date of Birth, Full Name.