Important Loan Information
What is Sequestration?
When Can I accept 24-25 loans I have been offered?
Accept/Decline Loans – Changes & How-To
As the above note states, students will not be able to accept or decline their 2022-2023 Subsidized, Unsubsidized, or Grad/Parent PLUS loans until sometime in early summer. The reason for this delay is due to our office not receiving the finalized budgets, fees, and funding levels from state and federal sources until the end of spring – and then system information within myWSU will also be updated once these items are received. This also includes changes to what students are able to see for these awards in myWSU. Below are some screenshots of what you can expect for these funds when offered to you:Subsidized Loans –
Unsubsidized Loans –
Grad/Parent PLUS Loans –
**Please Note: Effective for the 23-24 academic year – Accepting/Declining of offered loans will open in mid-July! Visit our Accepting Loans page for more information and details about that process.**
Deadline to Accept Term Loans
Knowing students may not need loan funding to start the term – we have a process setup that cancels off these loans from students accounts after 30 days. Contact our office or complete the Loan Action Request Form in order for you to have any of these loans reoffered to you. However, students only have until 2 weeks prior to the end of each term to accept any loan funds that will be applied to that term. The 2 week time frame ensures funds are disbursed to your student account before the end of the term.