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Washington State University
Scholarship Details

The Miller Law Group Scholarship

Program Brief: The Miller Law Group Scholarship for college students whose parents are divorced or separated is crucial because it addresses a specific and often overlooked need within the academic community. By targeting students from divorced or separated families, the scholarship acknowledges the unique financial and emotional challenges they may face, which can impact their educational pursuits. This financial support can ease the burden of tuition costs, enabling recipients to focus more on their studies and less on financial stress. Additionally, by recognizing the particular hardships these students may encounter, the scholarship fosters a sense of understanding and support within the academic community. Ultimately, it not only aids in the immediate goal of pursuing higher education but also promotes long-term success by providing a stable foundation from which students can grow academically and personally.

Our one-time scholarship of $1000 will help with the financial needs of talented students as they complete their course of study.

How to Apply

The applicant should submit a 750-word essay discussing how your personal experience being raised in a single-parent or divorced household challenged social stigma and created a prosperous environment.

Applicants should submit a resume with updated contact and educational information, unofficial transcript along with their essay response to 

Applications are accepted until November 30, 2024.

Deadline: 11/30/2024

Amount: $1,000

Online Application Available

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